Keeping Our Environment and Ourselves Clean

Students with recycling work
Students with recycling artwork
Students creating paper mache items
Students creating paper mache items
Students creating paper mache items

This week, Little Birds learnt how to keep our environment clean both at Nursery and at home. The children found out about different ways to recycle and dispose of rubbish appropriately and explored the importance of refuse collection. We had great fun sorting waste into recyclable and non-recyclable categories.

We have shown the Learner Profile Attributes ‘Caring’ and ‘Principled’. The Little Birds made a collage from a variety of materials to represent their understanding of recycling.  They investigated and inquired what it was like to use newspaper pieces and glue to model with.

Little Birds made predictions as to what might happen to our models once they were dry. This activity developed their communication skills.  Following our interest in sea life, we decided to look at the role of marine biologists and explored how they care for the ocean and the safety of the animals. Little Birds were knowledgeable; they used non fiction books to find out information about the different occupations.

We also listened to the stories below, linking to the occupations and careers of cleaners and park keepers.

  • Topsy and Tim Go Green
  • Peppa Pig: Recycling Fun
  • After the Storm
  • Clean It!