
As your child progresses through our academy, there are several key transitions points where things may change for both you and your child.  Expectations and classwork will change and there will be different opportunities for parents to help prepare your child as they progress through their education.

Key changes to be aware of:

Nursery to Reception

Applying for Reception

You must apply for a Reception place, even if your child attends our linked Nursery.

It is a great idea to visit Leigh Academy Dartford on one of our open days. You can find these advertised at the front of the school or contact the infant site school office to book your visit.

You can apply for a primary school place in the autumn term after your child turns 4. You’ll need to apply then even if you want your child to start part-way through the school year.

You must apply for a primary school place by 15th January 2023 through the website

apply for a primary school place

Completing the application

When you fill in the form (online or on paper) you’ll be asked to list the schools you’re applying for in order of preference.

You must apply for at least 3 schools.

To get a copy of the application form on paper, contact your local council.

Year 2 into 3

From the start of term 6, we spend time preparing your child for transition from year 2 to year 3 and their move to the junior site. Initially, the children will have a playtime for just their year group on the junior playground. Then they will have a joint year 2 and year 3 playtime without the rest of the key stage two. After that, they will be assigned a buddy who they can ask questions and who will look out for them when they start in September. 

In the week before class swap day, the children will spend a full afternoon in the year 3 classrooms completing some games and a circle time. They will then spend the full day in their new classroom on class swap day, being both dropped off and collected from the junior site playground.

Some children need a more personalised approach at this stage of transition. We consider every child on an individual basis and do whatever best meets their needs. This may include, but is not limited to: walking the exterior of the junior site so they know it is a safe, locked site; having a tour of the junior site whilst pupils are in lessons so they know that it is a calm, focused environment; or having their own map of the junior site that they colour in when they feel confident about each area.

If you have any concerns about transition from year 2 to year 3 please arrange to speak to your child’s class teacher.

Year 6 into Secondary School

For information, deadlines and all aspects of transferring to a secondary school in Kent please click on the following link: Secondary admissions booklet

As your child is currently in a Kent school you will need to complete a choices form to select a secondary school at the end of year 6.  

Once you have decided on the schools, please go online to GOV.UK – Secondary Admissions  to complete Kent’s Secondary Common Application Form (Kent SCAF) or complete a paper form.  

Grammar Schools

If your child did not pass but was close in score, and you still want to apply for a grammar school, you cannot appeal against the assessment sent to you but you are still allowed to appeal for admission to any school you name on the form and are not offered. 

After April 2023 waiting lists will be maintained by schools -who will fill vacancies as they arise. Parents who have already received an offer of a school place can approach schools directly.