Friends’ Association

Leigh Academy Dartford Friends’ Association is a registered charity (Charity Number: 289836) which is dedicated to raising additional funding for the school by organising extra-curricular & fun activities.

The Friends’ Association meet at the beginning of every term, and anyone is welcome to come along to see what we do. We are always looking to add new fundraising events and activities to our calendar and would welcome any new ideas.

We need help with ideas, organisation and planning, volunteering at events, attending events. Or do you work for or run a company that could donate raffle prizes or offer us a discount on items we need to buy?

We also need help with practical things – are you good at drawing? Could you help design something for us? Could you build a stall for the summer fair? Do you have time to wrap Christmas gifts, lucky dip prizes or fold raffle tickets? Every bit of help is appreciated – even if you can only help for one hour a year it all adds up!

We’re on Facebook – find and like our page to keep up to date with events and activities:            

LAD Friends Association

Friends’ Association fundraising activities include:

  • The Christmas Craft Fair
  • Children’s Christmas bazaars
  • Junior school discos
  • Infant film nights
  • Story time for nursery and reception children
  • Infant after school summer fun event
  • Christmas cards and the school calendar
  • Refreshments at school events
  • Ice cream Fridays and Cake sales
  • Easter Bonnet competitions
  • Christmas and Summer raffles
  • Summer Fair.

Donations to the school have included:

  • Book bags for new starters
  • New starter gifts to Reception children
  • Reading den for Reception playground
  • Christmas gifts for all the whole school
  • The junior school grotto (with cheeky elves tip toeing round the school collecting the children!)
  • Mother and Father’s day presents
  • Ice poles after sports days
  • Donation to the leavers party
  • Leavers gifts
  • Funding the Christmas Pantomime
  • Funding Purple Mash.

If you’d like to join the Friends’ Association, would like to help out occasionally at events or think you can help in any other way (e.g. artistic talents, access to discounts, printing etc) please send us a message via our Facebook page   LAD Friends Association or via the school office  – pop in or email:

You can also help raise money for the school via Easy Fundraising by clicking on the button below.. If you visit the site before you do any online shopping, the school will receive a donation – at no extra cost to yourselves. Unlike most cashback sites, with Easy Fundraising you can earn money for the school on Amazon purchases – every penny helps! Please take a moment to look and sign up.

Raise money for the school via Easy Fundraising

Matched Funding Scheme

There is a fantastic scheme whereby many companies will match their employers fundraising efforts for organisations such as our Friends Association. As part of their Corporate Social Responsibility programs, many companies encourage staff to get involved in community projects, including Summer Fairs, Christmas Bazaar, school discos, cake sales, sponsored event etc, by offering to match any funds they raise.

The idea is that you are assigned to one particular aspect of a fundraising event (e.g. a table/stall, raffle etc) and then your employer will match the amount you raise in that area. In most cases the company will match your fundraising efforts pound for pound up to a specified amount.

It is worth contacting your HR department to find out if they run a matched funding scheme. If they are willing to take part in this scheme, please contact us via the school office by email: They may ask for our details to register – our organisation details: Leigh Academy Dartford Friends Association and our Registered Charity Number: 289836.

Matched funding will make a huge difference to the funds we raise for our school. It is a way we can maximise our fundraising with minimum extra effort and at no extra cost to parent.