Who is Rosa Park and what happened in our last week of term?

This week Little birds  have been looking at the importance of Rosa Park, how she helped people to gain equal rights when being a  passenger on the bus in the US Alabama in 1955. This was to celebrate Black History Month and to connect with our inquiry about positive attitudes of people who are different and similar. 

Understanding we are all unique and important.  Little birds made a bus out of a cardboard box and decorated it with paint.  They built a bus from blocks and  buses from Mobilo working together.  Little birds showed pictures of themselves in different cultural clothes to conclude our  Transdisciplinary theme ‘Who we are’.  They also celebrated Harvest and enjoyed cutting real vegetables in the Nursery home area and Mud Kitchen. 

We also inquired about what Christians and Christianity and what they do during this season of thanksgiving.  This was followed by listening to the story ‘The Enormous Turnip’, which we will revisit again to learn more about. ‘ How the world works’ next year.  Little birds also shared many other books as a class at story time, Global Babies, Peace at Last and The Wheels on the Bus.

What a busy week it has been. Happy half term everyone.