This week Little Birds have been looking at the book ‘The Gingerbread Man’.
They have been looking at the characters in the story and inquiring about different feelings and emotions.
The children enjoyed investigating how to make gingerbread mixture.
They helped measure out the ingredients, developing their mathematics and physical skills, as well as using their senses to explore the ingredients.

The children enjoyed retelling the story using props and puppets, developing their literacy, communication and retelling skills.

We listened to lots of variations of the story ‘The Gingerbread Boy’ and then compared it to ‘The Runaway Pancake’.
Little Birds spoke about the feelings of the characters in the story.
Recalling: ‘The old woman was sad when the Gingerbread Man ran away’
‘The Gingerbread man was frightened when he went into the foxes mouth’.
‘The Gingerbread Man ran as fast as he could’.

We are so proud of our achievements this week in being authors too!