Who Are You?

This week in Little Birds we have been sharing information about themselves and inquiring about the other members of our class.  They made faces out of dough developing our expressive arts and design skills and fine-motor skills.

Little birds looked at their  reflection in the mirror and spoke about the similarities and differences about themselves in relation to their friends. This supported the development of our personal and social development as well as communication skills.

Some of us made representations of the faces on paper plates using brushes and various coloured paint and made collages of ourselves from textured materials. Amazing artwork and creations!

We listened to the story ‘Who Are You?’ and sang the songs ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes ‘and ‘I’ve got a body…’.

Little birds made connections about ourselves when looking at the book’s illustrations as the story was read by the practitioners.

They were delighted and proud to share our photos of family members to the whole class and explain about them.