Little Birds were fascinated to find out more information about the role of a teacher and a midday supervisor. The children enjoyed going on a tour around our school, observing […]
Category Archives: Nursery
The Little Birds were all very excited to return to nursery after the Christmas holidays. We enjoyed sharing photos of our celebrations at home and drawing pictures to represent our […]
This week, Little Birds have been inquiring into how police officers and firefighters help us in the world in which we live. We have been developing our understanding of others […]
This week we have been learning about plants. We have found out about the different parts of a plant and flower. We learnt the new words for each section: roots, […]
This week was so exciting for us – inquiring into Enterprise. We enjoyed playing shops within the indoors and outdoors, buying and selling food to each other, using real money. […]
This week in Little Birds, we have been inquiring into the roles of Refuse Collectors, Park Keepers, Marine Biologists and Cleaners. We spoke about how to keep our environment clean […]
As you know, we celebrated Black History Month in school during October through our assemblies. In addition to this, every year group looked at the amazing things we can learn […]
This week Little Birds have been learning about people who help us in our community. We have started to look at the different occupations in the story book ‘Real Superheroes’. […]
This week Little Birds have been introduced to the story of the birth of Jesus in ‘The Christmas Story’. They have learnt about some of the important figures: Mary, Joseph, baby […]
We are Artists We have been exploring the artist Kandinsky and creating our own versions of his art using different shapes. We put each of the children’s individual pieces together […]