On Tuesday 6th February, DPA joined hundreds of schools around the world in keeping children safe online through Safer Internet Day. This year the campaign focused on change online, and included: young people’s perspectives on new and emerging technology; using the internet to make change for the better; the changes young people want to see online; and the things that can influence and change the way young people think, feel and act online and offline. We took part in a range of activities centred around this.
The day started with an assembly where we spoke about how technology is evolving. The children were astounded to see what a telephone with a cable looked like and an original black and white Game Boy! During the day, Reception and Year 1 looked at how technology can change people’s feelings and learnt how to get help from a trusted adult. Year 2 described how technology has changed and continues to impact people’s lives. Year 3 thought creatively about changes that might happen in the future while Year 4 looked at how technology design can influence people’s choices. Year 5 took part in an online workshop and designed some posters advising people on how to stay safe online while year 6 delved into the world of artificial intelligence and considered how it may change people’s lives now and in the future.

The online world is changing all the time but talking with young people about their online experiences can help you understand what’s going on. Kickstart the conversation today but make it a regular habit all year round.