People Who Help us in the Community

Students completing their work

This week Little Birds have been learning about people who help us in our community. We have started to look at the different occupations in the story book ‘Real Superheroes’.

Little birds were fascinated by the real stethoscopes and enjoyed playing imaginatively in the role play area as doctors. They learnt about the role of doctors, nurses and paramedics.

Students doing their work or pretending to be doctors

They made ambulances out of coloured shaped card pieces and collage materials. This enhanced their expressive arts and design.

Students showing their artwork

Little birds learnt the songs connected with doctors, for example: ‘Miss Polly had a dolly’ and ‘Five little monkeys jumping on the bed’.  They practised their finer physical skills by cutting up photos of themselves and joining the pieces together with glue following an inquiry about surgeons.

To develop their communication skills and understanding of health and self care, the children spoke to the ‘Miss Polly’ doll and their friends about how to keep safe at home and explained which grown-ups help us if we are feeling unwell when administering medicine.

Students completing their work