Enterprise Week

Three young Nursery pupils are pictured standing behind a bench, pretending to sell items at a shop. They are seen interacting with another pupil pretending to be a customer on the other side of the bench.

This week was so exciting for us – inquiring into Enterprise.

We enjoyed playing shops within the indoors and outdoors, buying and selling food to each other, using real money.

Little Birds designed our own shop front sign and recorded our own adverts.

A young boy from Nursery is pictured holding up an advert for wristwatches he has designed on paper for the camera.
Three young pupils from Nursery are seen sat on the floor, smiling for the camera and holding up different kinds of food packaging they have found.

Another idea the Little Birds thought of was making shops out of waste resources using various joining techniques.

We learnt about Online Safety as a whole class, as well as at focus group time. We had the opportunity to use the iPads to continue to enhance our knowledge of online safety further.

A young boy from Nursery is seen from behind, playing a game on a tablet computer, whilst sitting on the floor in his classroom.

This week’s stories we shared as a class were:

  • ‘Daddy and Tom Go Shopping’ by Beth Wyllyams
  • ‘The Pop-Up Gremlins’ by Twinkl

To celebrate the end of our term fabulous learning, we dressed up as people who can help us in the community.

Have a happy safe half term break Little Birds – well done for all of your achievements.